Have you ever heard of bed­room pop? If you like to lis­ten to mel­low beats, dre­amz vibes and warm har­mo­nies, this might be some­thing that inte­rests you.

Have you ever heard of bed­room pop? If you like to lis­ten to mel­low beats, dre­amz vibes and warm har­mo­nies, this might be some­thing that inte­rests you.

In the age of tech­no­lo­gy, fan­cy recor­ding stu­di­os are not nee­ded any more. All you need today is a func­tio­ning smart­phone or a lap­top. That’s it. Espe­ci­al­ly plat­forms like Sound­cloud and You­tube make it easy to release your own music wit­hout being signed to a label.

This is exact­ly how bed­room pop was and still is being made. The artists record and mix the music in their own home, most­ly by them­sel­ves. By employ­ing a DIY attempt to music, it gives a lot of artists more free­dom to explo­re their sound; some­thing that a lot big name artists are not able to do. Some might even call bed­room pop more authen­tic, sin­ce their lyrics men­ti­on a lot of the­mes that are rele­vant to their audi­ence, such as men­tal ill­nesses, heart­break and sexuality.

Some of the most popu­lar bed­room pop artists, you might even have heard of, are Clai­ro, Gus Dap­per­ton, girl in red, Rex Oran­ge Coun­ty, The Marí­as and Cuco

Even though it might all seem very unpro­fes­sio­nal to some peo­p­le, bed­room pop is some­thing that is expe­ri­en­cing a rising popu­la­ri­ty, espe­ci­al­ly among youn­ger peo­p­le. Many of the men­tio­ned have mil­li­ons of month­ly streams and go on big tours in the U.S and Europe.

Bed­room pop is in a way an inter­net phe­no­me­non. A lot of the­se artists did not have the con­nec­tions and resour­ces many a‑list pop stars have. 

Sin­ce most of the time their music does not get play­ed on the radio, or their music vide­os are shown on TV, their popu­la­ri­ty would­n’t be pos­si­ble wit­hout the internet.

In con­clu­si­on it can be said that this gen­re of music is some­thing that  may or may not chan­ge how music is being made. 

Bild: Jonas Ahren­torp auf flickr unter CC BY-SA 2.0                            

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