The impact of Covid-19 on our cli­ma­te discussed.

In times like the­se one sear­ches for the good things in life. We all have seen the num­bers of infec­ted peo­p­le in Ger­ma­ny and the deaths. We have all seen the emp­ty super­mar­kets and heard of how soon the hos­pi­tals will have rea­ched their capa­ci­ties. Which is why a lot of peo­p­le try to find posi­ti­ve news and head­lines. But more and more often head­lines can be seen that sta­te that coro­na­vi­rus is heal­ing and bet­te­ring the envi­ron­ment and that we, the peo­p­le, are the real virus, but how true is that and what does this state­ment actual­ly mean?

The principal of eco fascism

In a sen­se it means that peo­p­le who are dying are in a way good for our envi­ron­ment, and that the­se deaths are bet­te­ring wha­te­ver capi­ta­lism cau­sed. But how does that rela­te to eco fascism? Well, gene­ral­ly spea­king eco fascism is a pos­si­ble poli­ti­cal sys­tem, in which an aut­ho­ri­ta­ri­an govern­ment con­trols the beha­viour of peo­p­le for a bet­ter ecosystem.

But eco fascism isn’t just a poli­ti­cal sys­tem that sup­ports envi­ron­men­tal pro­blems, but it also blends with white natio­na­lism. The theo­ry also espe­ci­al­ly sup­ports the con­trol of peo­p­le of colour, immi­grants, the working class, poor peo­p­le and gene­ral­ly just eco­no­mic­al­ly dis­ad­van­ta­ged peo­p­le in order to rever­se cli­ma­te chan­ge, which was lar­ge­ly crea­ted by capi­ta­lism. And the peo­p­le who actual­ly built and uphold the sys­tem and cau­se envi­ron­men­tal pro­blems are the ones who get the best care as fast as pos­si­ble, while peo­p­le who don’t have access to the­se resour­ces are under a hig­her risk of serious­ly being har­med. This waters down to the theo­ry that the weak, vul­nerable and dis­ad­van­ta­ged will have to die for the sake of the environment.

Eco fascism and Covid-19

And cal­ling the virus, it gene­ra­li­ses humans and their actions, while imply­ing that all humans are equal­ly at fault, for­get­ting the sacri­fices many have made. Going back to the topic of Covid-19, the­se type of head­lines are say­ing that the peo­p­le who are dying, which often are peo­p­le with under­ly­ing health con­di­ti­ons, older peo­p­le and peo­p­le who don’t have access to health care, are the cure of cli­ma­te chan­ge, which also just ali­gns with a lot of fascist ideo­lo­gy. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the effects of “a bet­ter envi­ron­ment”, like less pol­lu­ti­on and clea­ner water, we’re curr­ent­ly expe­ri­en­cing is not direct­ly becau­se are peo­p­le dying of the virus, but becau­se the struc­tures sur­roun­ding capi­ta­lism are on a halt.

Not a new concept

But this type of thin­king is not a new con­cept. A lot of it stems from the roman­tic peri­od in the 19th cen­tu­ry, but also had a very pro­mi­nent role in the green poli­tics of the NSDAP. Also, in recent times eco fascism has play­ed a role, as the shoo­ters of the Christ­church shoo­ting and the El Paso shoo­ting, both self-ali­gned them­sel­ves with eco­fa­scist thin­king and poli­tics. They both com­mit­ted the­se mass mur­ders, one tar­ge­ting Mus­lims and the other Mexi­cans, for the sake of bet­te­ring the environment.

It of cour­se must be said that most of envi­ron­men­tal acti­vism is not auto­ma­ti­cal­ly eco fascism, as peo­p­le who try to save the pla­net from human reck­less­ness are not the same as the peo­p­le who actively oppress vul­nerable and dis­ad­van­ta­ged peo­p­le under the dis­gu­i­se of curing the planet.

Doesn’t justify the deaths of Covid-19 affected

In con­clu­si­on it is not a bad thing to look for posi­ti­ve things, but news that say that Covid-19 is a good thing, just dis­re­gard the fact that the most peo­p­le who are actual­ly dying are not the ones respon­si­ble for the out­co­mes, peo­p­le cla­im the virus is curing. And it also rein­forces the idea that dis­ad­van­ta­ged peo­p­le have to die for the sake of the earth, which is abso­lut­e­ly not a thing to be cele­bra­ted. But on a hap­pier note the­re are actual­ly posi­ti­ve things to cele­bra­te, for exam­p­le the many cases of reco­very, the fact that in some count­ries the amount of new cases is going down or at least level­ling and that ever­y­whe­re in the world sci­en­tists are loo­king for an effec­ti­ve vaccine. 

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